Why do I have to finish my antibiotics? Why does the pharmacist always gave me the advice to finish antibiotics?
Some of us might get the course of antibiotics when we get fever or maybe cold or maybe other disease. What is the real story behind this antibiotics? Well, firstly let me tell you about the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics is used to kill all those evil bacteria in the body. For example, amoxicillin or penicillin.
Sometimes, our own immune system might not be as good as last time and need the help of antibiotic to kill the bacteria. But the real question here, why should you finished the course of your antibiotics?
1. To prevent resistance towards the bacteria
I will first explain to you the meaning of 'resistance'. Resistance by meaning are not affected. The reason why you need to finish the course of antibiotics are because to ensure that all the bacteria in the body have been killed. Let me give you an analog. When the antibiotics are not fully consumed when prescribed, the bacteria will start to sense the antibiotics and be like "Hey, I know this guy. He used to kill my friends." And the next thing you know, he will start to make an antidote to kill or to make sure that he is protected from being killed by the antibiotic and trust me he is so clever. He will start to share the antidote with his buddy. Now, the antibiotic you used are no longer effective upon consuming. The next thing you know, us or we the doctor/pharmacist have to find a new antibiotic for you. But, we have such limited types of antibiotics! SO, PLEASE! FINISH THE COURSE OF YOUR ANTIBIOTICS.
2. What happen I skip/forget to consume on time?
Don't worry if you forget! Just take the antibiotics once you realise and continue upon time. The real ways on how to take your drugs are if they say take twice a day, consume them 24/2=12H. So, eat every 12 hours. Try your best to maintain your drug regiment. For the benefit of health and also to make both of our job easier.
3. Some people are allergic to a certain kind of antibiotics
Some people tend to be allergic to some of the antibiotics. The most common group that the patient tend to have allergic is penicillin.
Take note if this happen when you ate antibiotics:
- a raised itchy skin rash
- coughing
- wheezing (high-pitched whistling sound made while breathing)
- tightness of the throat
So, my last advice to you, please follow the advise of your doctor and your pharmacist. We always wanted the best for you. Maybe you might not appreciate your health now but trust me once you lost it, there is no going back.
Stay golden, xx