Monday, 27 April 2015

Finishing My Course of Antibiotics?

Why do I have to finish my antibiotics? Why does the pharmacist always gave me the advice to finish antibiotics?

   Some of us might get the course of antibiotics when we get fever or maybe cold or maybe other disease. What is the real story behind this antibiotics? Well, firstly let me tell you about the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics is used to kill all those evil bacteria in the body. For example, amoxicillin or penicillin. 
    Sometimes, our own immune system might not be as good as last time and need the help of antibiotic to kill the bacteria. But the real question here, why should you finished the course of your antibiotics?

1. To prevent resistance towards the bacteria
I will first explain to you the meaning of 'resistance'. Resistance by meaning are not affected. The reason why you need to finish the course of antibiotics are because to ensure that all the bacteria in the body have been killed. Let me give you an analog. When the antibiotics are not fully consumed when prescribed, the bacteria will start to sense the antibiotics and be like "Hey, I know this guy. He used to kill my friends." And the next thing you know, he will start to make an antidote to kill or to make sure that he is protected from being killed by the antibiotic and trust me he is so clever. He will start to share the antidote with his buddy. Now, the antibiotic you used are no longer effective upon consuming. The next thing you know, us or we the doctor/pharmacist have to find a new antibiotic for you. But, we have such limited types of antibiotics! SO, PLEASE! FINISH THE COURSE OF YOUR ANTIBIOTICS.

2. What happen I skip/forget to consume on time?

Don't worry if you forget! Just take the antibiotics once you realise and continue upon time. The real ways on how to take your drugs are if they say take twice a day, consume them 24/2=12H. So, eat every 12 hours. Try your best to maintain your drug regiment. For the benefit of health and also to make both of our job easier.

3. Some people are allergic to a certain kind of antibiotics

    Some people tend to be allergic to some of the antibiotics. The most common group that the patient tend to have allergic is penicillin.
    Take note if this happen when you ate antibiotics:
  • a raised itchy skin rash
  • coughing
  • wheezing (high-pitched whistling sound made while breathing)
  • tightness of the throat
So, my last advice to you, please follow the advise of your doctor and your pharmacist. We always wanted the best for you. Maybe you might not appreciate your health now but trust me once you lost it, there is no going back. 

Stay golden, xx

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The Cheap Way of Enhancing Collagen

Hello beautiful people,

I had came across on loads of people asking me the use of collagen as a beauty supplement. Well of course many of you guys are tempted to buy all those beauty product with all those successful testimonies and all those beautiful models. Well, who doesn't want to be beautiful right? Even some of them don't mind of what the costs are.

From what I learn in my Cosmetology class, here are the main reason why collagen aren't very effective. A study on collagen has never been done so far. So, I will try my best to explain it in the most simplest way as possible, inshaAllah

1. Collagen that is taken orally can be digested in the stomach 

    Collagen is made up of protein and protein is a big molecules. As we take the pill or the suspension (like a liquid kinda collagen) , it will follow our gastrointestinal tract. Which means that, the collagen will go through our oesophagus and to our stomach and so on. As we all know, the main function of the stomach is to convert from our big food to smaller food so that our intestine can absorb all the nutrient. Then, the nutrient will be circulated inside the blood vessels. So, when this collagen reach to the stomach, the collagen will break down from protein to amino acid and no longer retain its collagen form. By means that, the collagen can no longer work as collagen because it has been broken down into amino acid before it can circulate in the blood vessels. This also means that it will lose its charm.

2. Collagen that work as a gel or cream

    I was also encounter by the use of college cream or lotion or any topical use collagen. As I mention above, collagen are big molecules. As we all know, skin have pores. The pores that lies onto our skin help to filter all those big bacteria and fungus so we wouldn't get sick so easily! So, only the small molecules can pass through your skin barrier. Because collagen is a big molecules, I'm pretty sure that it can't penetrate your skin and loses its charm. Unless, they had invented like a micro size collagen, then I think that might work.

3. Collagen that is injected inside the skin 

    I think this injected collagen might work but I am not sure to give any further information as I haven't discuss this in class.


The answer is VITAMIN C

My lecturer once told me about this when we were debating about the use of collagen in our cosmetology class.

1. Vitamin C as collagen enhancer

Many people might not expect for a cute little orange tablet can be your life saviour. Fuhhh.Vitamin C works by enhancing the production of collagen inside your body. The natural collagen which is better and safe!

2. Vitamin C act as immune booster   

You will not only look pretty but you will also feel healthy or even better be healthy. My teacher had advise all of us to consume vitamin C whenever you start to feel like you are getting sick but make sure to consume the effervescence (the one that can dissolve in the water) Vitamin C when you are about to get sick!

As we all know, we are different from each individuals. All of us has our own amount of collagen in the body so the result might be varied between individuals. And, don't expect to get an immediate effect because all the good things take time. Even your own body takes some time to reach puberty to be beautiful. And another important note to tell is that always remember and think that you are beautiful. Only the mind can foul the heart and the heart can fool everybody. The more beautiful you are on the inside, it will reflect on the outside :)

Stay golden
Love xx,

Friday, 17 April 2015

When is the Expiry Date if it is Not Stated on the Label?

Salam and hello girls and boys we meet again. Well, meeting virtually I guess hehe

    So today I will talk about the most common question I usually ask myself everytime when I am about to use something old. For example, my last years concealer or maybe my acne topical (liquid you apply onto your skin) medication like Clindamycin gel 1%. "Can I still use this after a year or two or three?". And then when i check through the label, there were NO EXPIRY DATE stated. Then, it got me thinking whether it is safe to use or not. Well, let me tell you some tips or tricks on how to determine that ;)


The one that I point with my finger. Well, before I know about this, I thought it was like a symbol they put to make it cute and such but then again, how wrong can I be?. Well, that cute little symbol mostly appear on cosmetic products. From body wash to facial wash to lotion to foundation to lipstick. So, let me tell you on how to read the label. In every of that cute symbol has written 'numbers' and with 'M'. The 'number' represent well numbers and the 'M' represent month. If on the label they say '24M' they mean that that product will last for '24 months' after opening which also means 2 years. If ever you decide to not open the product, then the product will last until the day you open it.


If let say if the cute little symbol is not on the product, search for the production date;

And count three years from that date and VOILA! Your expiry date! Mostly, pharmaceutical things have written their expiry date. Just to make sure that it is safe for the consumer to use the product as time given. To me, the timeline of 3 years are actually long enough.


What I did last time was I check the state of the product, the smell, the colour and also whether the packaging is still fine or not. This might work with some product but I REALLY AM ADVISING YOU TO STOP PREDICTING. Because maybe the product might look fine on the outside but not on the inside. When I say on the inside, I mean chemically. As a student in pharmacy, we learn about this chemical stuff and it is hard for me to explain to you of what chemical changes can do to one human. If you still want to know, please just comment below so I can answer your question the best as I can.

    Everything in this world has its' own timeline. I know some of you guys might not care about the expiry date some of the product that you own but let say if the product is on its' expiry date, the product might not give the 'wanted effect' but will give you the 'unwanted effect'. The product might turn into toxic and this might effect you not now but maybe the future.

I am really advising you guys to be careful of what you do to your body. If let say you've reached the toxicity effect on your body, there are only two ways. If there is a medication for it, then I guess we should thank god for that. But let say, if there is nothing we could do about it, then "you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube".


Stay healthy and stay golden. 
With love, 
zera  xx

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Is It Wrong to Wear My Mask All Night?

This is a very fair question to all the ladies out there. 

"Do you girls love to wear your mask overnight?"

    Well, if the answer is a yes, I would love to advise you girls to stop right there! Now let me tell you the truth behind wearing your mask for overnight.

    I think most of you girls might have the thinking, "Hey, the longer I wear it the better right? So when I wake up I will feel rejuvenate and so hydrate." Please stop having that thought. Well, if most of us read from the instruction label, we will all know that they will always say to wear them for only 15 to 20 minutes. Why do we tend to ignore them when they have already written there?

    Here is to explain to you girls of why we are not allowed to wear our mask overnight. Firstly, let me tell you about the component of the mask. The soft like fiber cloth is an absorbent. It has that characteristic as an absorbent because they want to retain the moisture of the cloth so that it can absorb the chemical that they put onto the mask. As you start to wear the mask, the moisture from the mask will be absorb by your skin. 
    As you all know, in some times the chemical from the mask will start to lose it charm. By diffusing into your skin or to the air. What happen if the chemical that had been absorb from the mask has all been used up? Because the mask cloth is an absorbent it will start to absorb your skin moisture. So, from making yourself feel hydrate, you will start to feel dehydrated. 

Stay Golden,
Zera xx