Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Is It Wrong to Wear My Mask All Night?

This is a very fair question to all the ladies out there. 

"Do you girls love to wear your mask overnight?"

    Well, if the answer is a yes, I would love to advise you girls to stop right there! Now let me tell you the truth behind wearing your mask for overnight.

    I think most of you girls might have the thinking, "Hey, the longer I wear it the better right? So when I wake up I will feel rejuvenate and so hydrate." Please stop having that thought. Well, if most of us read from the instruction label, we will all know that they will always say to wear them for only 15 to 20 minutes. Why do we tend to ignore them when they have already written there?

    Here is to explain to you girls of why we are not allowed to wear our mask overnight. Firstly, let me tell you about the component of the mask. The soft like fiber cloth is an absorbent. It has that characteristic as an absorbent because they want to retain the moisture of the cloth so that it can absorb the chemical that they put onto the mask. As you start to wear the mask, the moisture from the mask will be absorb by your skin. 
    As you all know, in some times the chemical from the mask will start to lose it charm. By diffusing into your skin or to the air. What happen if the chemical that had been absorb from the mask has all been used up? Because the mask cloth is an absorbent it will start to absorb your skin moisture. So, from making yourself feel hydrate, you will start to feel dehydrated. 

Stay Golden,
Zera xx


  1. And what if we put serum on our face for overnight? Does it give the same impact too?

    1. Hello alianoor kauthar. Thank you for the question. I don't think so it implies the same with the serum because the ingredients are different. But to stay on the safe side, read the labels carefully or just stay with the name. If it says 'Overnight Serum' then I'm pretty sure you can use it overnight :)
